Home Care Tricks for Better Check Ups

Brushing Teeth

There are a number of different measures you can take in order to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. Continue reading for more information and tips on how to best manage your dental health and take care of your teeth at home for better dental check ups.

Brushing And Flossing

Before you brush your teeth, brush your tongue to remove bacteria from its surface.To ensure that all signs of bacteria or plaque are removed from the tongue, investing in a tongue scraper is an excellent option.

Be sure to thoroughly floss prior to brushing, as well. Guide the floss in-between each tooth in the mouth, being sure to move the floss back and forth to ensure that any food particles that have become trapped can be removed.

Brushing twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste, accompanied by flossing and rinsing with mouthwash, helps keep our mouth healthy and free of harmful bacteria.

When brushing, make sure to brush all surfaces of each tooth; this includes the outside, inside, and chewing surfaces. Ensure that you reach the furthest point of the teeth in the back of the mouth by angling your brush to allow brushing in that region of your mouth. Allow yourself a full two minutes to thoroughly brush. To help the time pass, some people sing the “happy birthday” song twice.

Finishing off your brushing with a thorough rinse using ADA-approved mouthwash is ideal, as this is one last way to ensure that your mouth is as clean as possible.

Useful Tools for Proper Home Care

Perhaps one of the most important steps in promoting proper oral home care is to select the correct type of oral care tools.

Brushes with softer bristles are usually recommended, as brushes with hard bristles can irritate the gums as you brush. If you are not sure about which type of brush would suit you best, consider speaking to your dental hygienist about what they recommend for you. Every mouth is different, and no one knows better than your trusted dental professionals. Remember to get a new brush every three to four months; a worn-out brush does no good for your teeth and gums.

Many dental professionals will also recommend trying an electric toothbrush if possible, as they are designed to clean the mouth in the most efficient way. On the debate of a manual versus an electric toothbrush, it does boil down to user preference,  However proper use of the electric toothbrush must be followed.  Improper use can lead to more gum recession. For our dental patients here in our San Jose office, we strongly recommend investing in a Sonicare electric toothbrush.


Your diet has a massive effect on your dental health. Foods that have a high amount of sugar or have strong acidic qualities have the potential to eat away at the tooth enamel. Individuals who sip on coffee, iced tea, or soda all throughout the day have a higher risk of developing tooth decay, as the teeth are constantly exposed to the acidic and abrasive conditions created by these beverages. It’s best to keep your beverages limited to mealtimes, and try to sip on water if you like to have a drink on-hand.

It is also best to cut out smoking or the use of chewing tobacco, if possible. The use of tobacco products not only increases the risk of oral cancer, but also increases the risk of developing gum recession, as well.

Using the information you have learned here, you will be able to better manage your oral health at home to start receiving better results at your check ups. To schedule your next dental check up here in our San Jose office, please give us - Willow Glen Dental Center - a call at (408) 266-6144.

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