What Is Root Surface Decay, And Why Is It Different Than A Regular Cavity?


You may be wondering how root surface decay is different from a regular cavity; continue reading to learn more about why it is so important to take care of this condition right away.

What Is Root Surface Decay?

Root surface decay--otherwise known as root cavities, root decay, or root caries--is a condition in which the gums recede, exposing the root of the tooth to decay. Because the root is not equipped with tough enamel like the crown of the tooth, the root is much more likely to develop cavities.  

Root cavities are much more serious than regular cavities, as the decay is much more likely to reach the central nerve, which can compromise the health of the entire tooth.

Below are some causes of root surface decay:

Symptoms Of Root Surface Decay

If you’re not quite sure if you are struggling with root cavities, take into consideration the symptoms commonly examined with root surface decay:

The symptoms may vary from case to case; the severity of the decay will determine how severe the symptoms are. 

Treatment Options For Root Cavities

The method of treatment that is used to treat your root surface decay will depend upon the severity of the recession and decay. Common treatment options include:

Willow Glen Dental Center: Best San Jose Dentist

Here at Willow Glen Dental Center, we’re always here to help you best manage your oral health.

Willow Glen Dental Center is proud to offer the best comprehensive dental services in San Jose. For more information about root cavities or to get scheduled for an appointment in our San Jose dental office, give us a call at (408) 266-6144.

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